Above is my AS Media Studies video, 'When Two Became One'. Our
opening sequence was a romantic comedy based around a young women, Lily, and
man, Joe, who in the end fall in love. It was set in modern day England. Before
starting A2 Media I am going to be analysing it.
The first thing I found worked well was our soundtrack
and voice over combination. We asked two musicians in our year to play an
acoustic guitar for us, doing a continuous cheerful tune. We then added this to
the two voice over’s with Dan and I made. We wrote the script beforehand and
then created a voice memo using an iPhone. We spoke with underneath coats to
ensure there was little background noise. On the computer I use Serif to edit
them on to the video. I decreased the volume of the soundtrack whilst there
were the voice overs and increased the volume before, in-between and after.
Although it worked well I think we should have got another female voice to do
Lilies voice over as I had a cold at the time and sound younger than Lily is. I
also believe it would have worked better if we took more time scripting, as
what Lily says portrays her was very young and innocent whereas I wanted to
depict her as mature and independent.
Another area which I liked was our
location scouting. Although originally we were going to film in Oxford town
centre, I think Woodstock worked just as well, if not better. The quite,
historic town fitted perfectly with the romantic theme. It depicts both Lily
and Joe’s middle class background. I also thought the attic room worked well
for Joe- being a student- however; I thought because they both had them it was
more obvious we were in the same house for both rooms.
One thing our sequence lacked was continuity
throughout. For example, the Christmas theme failed, due to the weather and
lack of props. And also when Lily is on the stairs her hair is tied then when
she is outside it is down.
I also think we could have varied our shots
more and thought more of the colour saturations of the clips and edit the
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