Thursday, 1 May 2014

Evaluation - Question Three

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

For this question I asked Cameron Wishart to have an interview with me so we could discuss my music video and ancillary texts in more detail. Cameron is eighteen so fitted into my target audience. He also does art and performing arts so his views about the imagery and acting (in particular) were very valuable to me.
Below is my interview:

I also created questionnaires which I asked people to complete after showing them my music video and ancillary texts. I have created graphs with this data. The people I asked were predominately in my target audience (17-24 year olds), however, I did also ask those outside this age group too as I was interested in their views.
I was reassured by my research, before showing people I was really worried about the symbolism and ambiguity of the video because I didn't think many people would understand my ideas. However, I did find that over half of the people I showed thought the symbolism worked and half realised it was a portrayal of someones life. Having said this the ones who did not initially realise it was a depiction of life did realise after viewing the video again. My interviewee Cameron Wishart actually said how he did not understand this until his second viewing as the first time he was focusing on the imagery and editing. However, maybe I could of made this clearer.
I also found that  four of the people I showed the video and ancillary texts, didn't think the image on the DVD case and Website completely complimented the video. They suggested I used something more directly linked to the video, for example a screen grab or picture of the girl. Although they did say they liked the image I used and thought it was very creative.  


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